Fundamentally, your business website and its future is based on several key features. One of the main ones being SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Our designs are created in such a way that they organically appear higher in the major search engines.
However, in the time that we are in, all search engines are exteremely competitve and the algorithms used change on a frequent basis. That said, we have developed a team that can assist greatly in this area. They are purely dedicated to SEO and will analyse your existing or business model, as well as SEO trends.
They will include everything from exhaustive and creative keywords analysis, extensive onsite optimization, specific SEO reporting and providing relevant and useful content that your visitors can actually enjoy and share with their friends and basically. It will help create an influx of relevant traffic to increase sales and expand your online business.
GFL uses Search Engine Optimization to turn your business website into an online high-traffic location. Our SEO technology is efficient and powerful, so that you can find your website easily, inevitably leading to more business and the continuous increase in your customer base.
Become the First Result: We can interact with the algorithm that regulates search engine results such as Google.
This means that for any search related to you, your website will become the first result. Have you ever heard “Every road leads to Rome? Your site becomes digital Rome with our technology.
Exponentially Grow your Client Base: Once you entrust us with your website, we ensure increased web traffic from more prospective customers and clients. With your highly optimized website turned into a primary search result in your field, more clients should be able to locate and utilize your business.
Increase your sales: A great influx of traffic raises sales opportunities, giving your own site optimal potential intended for expansion and an increase in sales. Our search engine optimization technology ensures the proper people find your web site immediately!
GFL is required to understand your business first, identify the competition and then integrate into your specific market. We will drive relevant traffic to your sitemarket by using proven keywords. Your choice of keyword for your online campaign will drive your marketing performance, so will advise on this to improve your listing to its absolute maximum.
Just as important as On-Page SEO, GFL ensures that this is an integral part of your site campaign. We can use your digital footprint and the current information on the Web about your website to build and very balanced off-page profile.
Because backlinks are still vital to SEO, in fact contributing to close to 60% or search rankings, GFL creates inbound authority links to your site.
At GFL, we believe that it is very important to keep you up to date with the progress of your campaign, and we ensure that you receive a custom report every month. Our reporting includes Analytics, Social and Search data. We will carry out a detailed site analysis and provide you with a complete report. Over 80% of ROI opportunity is established through Analytics and Periodic Reporting.
GFL will create a strategy meant to match or beat your competition. Based on your industry, we will create a Campaign Roadmap by taking the sites structure, code, and digital footprint distribution. If required, we will recruit individuals who are experts in Editing, Analysis and Web Development to drive traffic and success to your company in a short period of time.
Our customer-service expertise ensures that we will keep you fully up to date on this vital process.
This is the most tangible part of the website for most people. GFL will identify the technical elements of your site that can be improved, to increase performance and drive targeted traffic to your website.
Publishing high-quality content, optimizing titles and meta descriptions, optimize page content, mobile friendly attributes etc… to name a few